Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Too Hot

In an interesting aside, some of Amelia's biggest fans were recently blocked from viewing their favorite blog at work. Apparently, the combination of the name "Amelia Rose" with the amount of pictures on the blog triggered a human or machine internet filter to block the site as p_ _ n (don't say it or the filter might block us again). A classic example of the problem with internet filters, they don't work. Studies have found that filters block sites they shouldn't and let in ones that should have been caught.

The Supreme Court has overturned laws requiring filters in public libraries, recognizing that internet communications warrant the same level of constitutional protection as books, magazines, newspapers, and speakers on a street corner soapbox. See cases here.

Unfortunately, the Court recently changed course and upheld a law requiring filters in public libraries. (123 S. Ct. 2297).

The internet can be a dangerous place for children. Amelia will be watched and monitored closely by her parents but hopefully not by her government.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lee
Great commentary about the "Supremes." Not likely to see a return to liberal (reasonable) thought for the next few years!
Love the Blog and all you guys.
Mike Evans

Anonymous said...
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