Saturday, April 30, 2005

Grandma Rose

Amelia Rose and her Grandma Theresa Rose went to the park this weekend. Amelia took in all her surroundings ... very serious ...

Until Grandma started tickling her.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Al Fresco

I just couldn't take that sad picture any longer. She is still sick and coughing through the night which keeps everyone up. This was taken last weekend before the sickness set in. A very happy baby enjoying her meal outside.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sick Once More

We almost thought we were going to escape April without Amelia having some sort of ailment but alas she has a cold. She is back on the breathing treatments. She now has her very own nebulizer machine, purchased at the doctor's recommendation. The machine's mask has fish gills and eyes. This medical euphemism ranks right up there with the day-glow color cast. What's the point. It certainly doesn't make her any more willing to take the treatments!

Amelia sends a shout out to her girl Bella who just beat pneumonia. We don't want any of that so we are doing what we can to get over this quickly.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Stunt Fall

Click here to view a movie of Amelia performing her famous stunt fall. She is quite the little daredevil. The only warning she gives is a mischievous look, then she falls back at will. If we are lucky she happens to be on a soft surface like our bed. Will she be the next extreme sports champion? Bungee jumper extraordinaire? Or did she just inherit her Mom's love of roller coasters? Some of you may have to play the movie through twice to see it at full speed.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

First Swing

Amelia took her first ride in a swing last weekend. She wasn't so thrilled about the whole experience. Maybe swinging is better after the first birthday, which is getting closer every day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Amelia & Mom

Amelia went to check out the playground in her neighborhood this weekend. There are lots of toys just her size. Stay tuned, coming later this week ... her first swing experience.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Amelia remains in the 95% for her height. She is taller than many children who are 2 years or older and already walking. With a 6'2" tall Dad, 5'10" tall Mom and Great Aunts on both sides of the family soaring to over 6' this little girl is not going to be short.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Movin' Movie

Click here to view a movie of Amelia on the move. She creeps around the house with ease now. Except nothing is easy about it for Mom and Dad. Some of you may have to play the movie through twice to see it at full speed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Grandpa AV

Amelia listens closely to her Grandpa.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Me Ma

Amelia went to a party last Sunday at Aunt Jo-Ann and Uncle Alan's. Here is Alan holding her next to her Me Ma, her Great Grandmother. Alan also took some great pictures which will appear this week, Jo-Ann gets the credit for this one.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Looking Out

Amelia spys dad i.e. (the photographer) outside of her window.

PS: For those of you wondering where the regular "Watch Me Grow" feature is you will have to ask Amelia. She refuses to lay down long enough for me to take the picture. There is just too much to see for her to waste time laying down. The next time she is all jacked up on Benadryl and feeling drowsy I will try and pose her for the shot.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Amelia has discovered apples. She enjoys scraping away some bits with her teeth. It takes her a while to eat since she still only has 2 teeth. Just don't try and take her apple away, she bites.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Let Me Out

Amelia trying to defeat the walls of her pac-n-play.