Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Watch Me Grow & Our Guardian Angel

Here is Amelia next to her first doll, a gift from Janet Chesley, sitting atop an uber-soft blanket from Lynn (fellow blogger) and Kelly Burch. Check out Lynn's often hilarious but tragically defunct blog poopoochoochoo here Check back next month for another picture of Amelia and her doll to see how much our little girl has grown. Now a little more about Janet, master seamstress extraordinaire. Janet created Emma's wedding and bridesmaids dresses from scratch based on a few ideas and suggestions. As if that act of kindness wasn't enough Janet also designed and constructed the window dressings, bedding, changing table and rocking chair for Amelia's room. What a wonderful guardian angel Amelia has.

Amelia's room decorations courtesy of Janet. Click here to see the bedding.

Wedding couture also courtesy of Ms. Chesley.

1 comment:

Jenny Hart said...

Hi Emma! Congratulations. I'm so happy for you! xoxo, Jenny