Just before Christmas we made this gingerbread house as a family. Amelia did a great job with the candy on the roof, Mom made the candy walkway, and Dad did the major construction. Amelia is also practicing her model pose for you here.
We had a traditional English Christmas dinner this year. Amelia enjoyed the crackers with paper crowns. Dad's Yorkshire Puddings got the thumbs up from Mom (I was nervous).
Papa AV gave Amelia her very own camera for Christmas. These were some of the first pictures she took. This photographer is glad to turn over the photo blogging for a while to Amelia.
This year her class sang the 12 days of Christmas. You will see her third from the left as three french hens. I edited the video to spare you all 12 of her adorable classmates. At this point in the song she is getting a little bossy and quickly reminds her friends of their parts.
Amelia was so excited to see her Uncle Mike and Auntie Lynn in Santa Fe. She got some sculpting lessons at Mike's studio and even took home some clay and an armature.
Meeting our old friend Santa in 2008. I thought I would review some of her past meetings below. The video is my favorite. How can you not love that innocence.