Bella came over recently for Amelia's first sleepover. The actual sleeping in the same room lasted about 1 hour. Bella kept encouraging the younger Amelia to call for Brenda and Emma and to call louder. They slept great in separate rooms.
One of her favorite birthday presents was this drum from her PaPa. It also came with a harmonica that she plays as she rocks back and forth. So far she hasn't played it in the middle of the night.
Amelia spent some time with her Nana, Grandpa and Aunts Brandi and Sabrina last week. She had fun and let her Aunts do things to her that her parents are never permitted to even try, like the pigtails.
Amelia celebrated her second birthday this weekend. Of course she had to test the cake first Then Mom helped her blow out the candles. Ooops, she at the whole thing.