Thursday, September 29, 2005

Classic Toy

Every child needs a classic popper toy. Of course there is a version now with lights and music but we opted for the old standard. Keep training Amelia - you will be mowing the yard by next year.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dog Walking

Amelia loves to walk Rufus around her block and she is pretty good at it. Except when she drops the leash to examine anything and everything found on the ground. Rufus loves the attention and is just happy to have his picture back online somewhere. His blog has been defunct since Amelia's birth.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Lookin' Sharp

Amelia sports some big girl running shoes that she got this weekend. They go great with her "Yo Heart Tennis" shirt that Aunt Alee brought back from Ecuador. And how can you go wrong with that hat.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Another Beautiful Dress

Thanks Auntie Lo for this beautiful dress. I am finally big enough to wear it.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Cute Dress

Amelia sports a dynamite dress given to her by Auntie Steph. I think she looks very much the Peoples in this picture.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Rock Lady

She is fascinated with rocks, sand, pebbles and similar groundcovering. She must stop and immediately inspect it and collect a handful.

Then she throws handfuls of the material into the air, usually showering herself with it. When she does this in the sandbox her hair gets so caked over we call her Sandy Peoples.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


What a surprise to take off Amelia's shoes after a visit with her Granny TaTa and find her toes painted. Hopefully she will hold off on the ear piercing for a while.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Quartz Mountain

The family went to Quartz Moutain for the Law School retreat this weekend. Amelia had a great time romping around the grounds. I got this shot while playing peek-a-boo.

Regular blog visitors must have noticed the dearth of posts lately. Things have been busy. But I've just uploaded some great pics so this will be a more interesting week on AmeliaRose's blog. Stay tuned.

This shows the interior of the lodge compound.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Church Clothes

Amelia went to church with her Grandma this weekend.