Friday, June 24, 2005

Amelia Earhart

I snuck this shot in during Amelia's recent photo shoot. We will be taking a bit of a break from blogging for a week. Check for new posts after July 4th.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Pool

Amelia really enjoyed Grandma's pool. It was just like a really big tub for her.

This family needs a pool of their own.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

White Fang, a.k.a. Tooth # 3

Her third tooth has appeared and she is ready to tear into a steak now. As you can see she also made her first trip to a big pool. More pics to follow.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Fathers Day

An interesting shot including all my kids. Happy Fathers Day

Friday, June 17, 2005

Let's Play Rufus

Amelia discovered golf balls this week and she loves them.

Like a good big sister she shares with Rufus.

And gets frustrated when he moves in to take them all.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

First Year Pics

Last weekend we had the obligatory first year pictures taken. They turned out cuter than I imagined. Thanks to Auntie Steph for the hot pink Polo dress, one of Amelia's best looking outfits ever. Steph is well known by readers for her frequent and always funny comments. She also sends really hip baby clothes like the Ain't Nothin' But a Corn Dog onese and the I Already Know More Than the President tee. Auntie Steph Rocks!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

4 Eyes

Amelia got some really cool glasses and an outfit for her birthday from Auntie Becky. Here they are in the reading position.

And here she is ready for the sun.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

She's Walking

After a few weeks of training with her vehicles this weekend she started walking. Click here to view a movie of Amelia on the move.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Road Rage

Amelia now owns 2 vehicles. A Care Bear car and another stand up model that she is really fast with. Here she creates her own little traffic jam. Get out of her way!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Amelia with one of her many birthday presents. She is trying to get the hang of it. And that rake feels good on some new teeth that will be appearing soon.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

One Year

Amelia celebrated her first year of life this weekend. It is hard to believe she has come from this to the very big girl you see above. What a year it has been for everyone. We have missed more work, sleep, and evenings out than I ever imagined. But I also never knew how happy one little person could make us.

She and her friend Bella sported matching bathing suits and grass skirts.

Alex really enjoyed the water.

Here is Amelia with one of her favorite new toys, a care bear car.

And her old pal Rufus snuck in for his cake while no one was looking.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Hello Amelia

One of her new favorite tricks is to stand up and look at herself in the mirror of this old armoire. Then she pounds her fists into it as hard as she can. She really enjoys this. We don't.
P.S. Check out that thick(er) head of hair she is sporting.